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Newcastle : Tai Chi beginner classes

21 William st
near the railway station
6.15 pm

Tai Chi,Qigong beginner course - A term of 8 consecutive weeks.
You are not obligated to join the Tai Chi course when you attend the first of 8 lessons.

Full fee $130
Concession $120
Child 16 and under $110

Tai Chi, Qigong/Chi Kung beginner classes are held in Hamilton, Newcastle, with nearby suburbs of Broadmeadow, Mayfield, Georgetown, Waratah, Lambton, Jesmond, Rankin Park, Cardiff, Kotara, Charlestown, Adamstown, Merewether, over an 8 week term for nearly an hour per week in the evenings.
After completing the beginner Tai Chi course, continuing lessons offer more intensive practice and refinement.

Corporate and private classes available.

Learning aid DVDs: Tai Chi DVDs & Qigong DVDs (Chi Kung), and videos are also available.

For bookings or information:

Phone: 0415 428 318

Email: class@taichisociety.net

Posted by Tai Chi Society