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Tai Chi Sydney Refinement Classes

Tai Chi Sydney refinement classes are for students who want to fine-tune their Tai Chi. A minimum of one month of Tai Chi practice with Tai Chi Society is required to attend this class. These Tai Chi sessions will be conducted in your area of Sydney over a weekend.

In this Tai Chi session the Tai Chi form will again be shown in detail and wil be fully explained -- any Tai Chi movements that you may have missed in the normal classes will be reviewed comprehensively. Tai Chi is an amazing art that produces tremendous health benefits for those who practice regularly, but you need to get the Tai Chi forms right in order to experience the many health benefits. Even if you have been practising Tai Chi for twenty years, for example, if your Tai Chi forms are not up to standard then you will not grasp the essence of Tai Chi

Tai Chi Society holds these Tai Chi refinement classes about every six weeks in locations around Sydney. This Tai Chi Sydney class for one hour costs $40.00.
For booking: phone or email Tai Chi Society
0415 428 318

Sydney Tai Chi

Tai Chi Sydney Course Summary

Tai Chi Society, Sydney

Tai Chi Sydney Instructor Course

Tai Chi Sydney Workshop

Tai Chi Sydney; City / CBD

Tai Chi Sydney; Events

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